When people come to Dubail Fitness Institute, my personal training studio in Miami, many members want to lose weight. Then, they go on to tell me how they eat out several nights a week. You don’t have to tell me one of Miami best personal trainers that. I know all to well the temptations that […]
Miami Personal Trainer Exposes Biggest Weight Loss and Fitness Myths Part II
WEIGHT LOSS AND FITNESS MYTH #3: A regimen of aerobic exercise will burn the most fat see women who spend 4 days a week, 40 minutes at a time, on the stair-stepper, treadmill or bicycle who don’t lose weight! I know men who run 6 miles a day who have no muscle tone and rolls […]
Miami Personal Trainer Exposes Biggest Weight Loss and Fitness Myths Part I
WEIGHT LOSS AND FITNESS MYTH #1: Dieting will eliminate fat Your body can’t discriminate between intentional calorie deprivation (as in a diet), and starvation. When you dramatically reduce your caloric intake, your body shifts into a protective mode by slowing your metabolism down and holding onto fat (an important energy source) and burning muscle instead. […]
How To Choose a Miami Personal Trainer
Okay – you’ve decided it’s time to “get in shape” once and for all, and you’re ready to really take control over your health and fitness so you will look better and feel better the healthy way – through supportive nutrition and exercise. Time and experience have shown you the wisdom of accountability and structure […]
Hiring a Personal Trainer in Miami
When Hiring a personal trainer in Miami there are five major components that they should be helping you with to maximize fat loss. These five things work in conjunction with one another and all play a crucial role in your success. They are all of equal importance, and if one is left out your success […]
Got Weights? Get Strong
Media and clever milk advertising have people believing that the best way to prevent osteoporosis (bone degeneration) and to build strong bones is by consuming milk. In fact sudies show that the best way to increase bone density is weight bearing exercises (i.e. strength training). One study, using three groups of women over the age […]
Food Labeling
Food labeling can be extremely deceiving. The next time you look at lean ground turkey (Butterball) with a label reading 7% fat and think – that sounds great. Think again. Why? It’s high in protein and low in fat, right. Maybe it’s not. Be sure to take a look at the back of the packages […]
Breakfast Made Easy
Did you skip breakfast this morning? Do you realize that if you skip breakfast, you are promoting the storage of fat cells? If you’re not eating breakfast, your body has most likely gone an average of 14 hours without a meal. Going this long without eating will send the body into a catabolic state. This […]
“Being Fit and Healthy is What’s Important”
It’s hard creating a definition for Fit and Healthy. Maybe you need to lose weight, maybe you need to exercise more, maybe you need to learn more about nutrition – maybe you need help with all three!! Society today puts such an emphasis on our bodies and how we look. Magazines, TV, celebrities, our peers […]
Miami Fitness Testimonial from Ivor
Ivor Already Lost 20 Pounds. Listen To Him Talk About His Experience With Dubail Fitness!
Be The Healthy Role Model For Your Family
Childhood obesity, underage drinking, smoking and failure to exercise are all concerns for parents these days. If you want your kids to adopt a healthier, wiser lifestyle, you are going to have to show them the light. Children often learn best by example. Lead and they will likely follow. How can you set the example […]
10 Best Foods for Your Heart
Simple food choices go a long way when it comes to your heart’s health. Focusing on fresh foods full of heart-healthy fats and antioxidants can decrease your risk of developing heart disease and cut your chances of a heart attack. These 10 foods will help keep your ticker in top shape. Oatmeal Start your day […]