Dubail Fitness Institute Uses:
Metabolic Testing to help you reach your health and
fitness goals faster then you ever though possible
Frustrated that your not losing weight? Maybe it's your metabolism! Dubail
Fitness Institute uses ultimate solution to determine your metabolism; the Korr
Metabolic Analyzer. This device is a metabolic testing unit and determines the
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) or the amount of food the you need in order to
achieve your specific goals.
A Weight Loss Plan Must be Individualized
When it comes to weight loss, there is no
such thing as "one size fits all." Each
person's metabolism is different based on
genetics, eating habits, and fitness level.
Each person gains weight for a variety of
physical, emotional, and environmental
factors. Charts and averages just are not
effective ways to construct a diet plan. The
Korr Metabolic Analyzer gives specific data
about you so we can customize your food
What does Metabolism mean?
Metabolic rate, or metabolism, is the rate at which the body expends energy.
This is also referred to as the “caloric burn rate.”
Metabolism is the Key to Permanent Weight Loss
Mastering your metabolism equals permanent fat loss. This begins by testing a
person's metabolic rate. This will determine exactly how many calories a person
needs to cut to lose weight. Retesting will reveal if their metabolism has been
affected by dieting. The only way to really know if someone is burning fat is to
test their metabolism. Knowing a person’s metabolic rate is vital for weight loss
as well as determining the proper food plan.
The Test:
Metabolic testing is non-invasive and requires the client to
simply sit comfortably. The client breaths into a tube, then
the unit measures the amount of oxygen the individual
consumes over a period of 10 minutes to give an accurate
consumes over a period of 10 minutes to give an accurate
measurement of one’s metabolism.
Then a report is printed out that shows the number of
calories that the individual needs per day at rest. This
information is then used along with another form to
determine specific caloric requirements.
No More Guess Work
With Dubail Fitness’ metabolic testing system, we take the guess work out of
your nutrition. The Korr Metabolic Analyzer reveals your metabolic blueprint
and generates a personalized nutrition plan for accelerating your metabolism
and doubling the speed of your body transformation results.
With so many FAD diets out there, many people are confused about the
nutrition and rightfully so. Dubail Fitness’ Nutrition program offers real answers.
No gimmicks, no empty promises. You’ll get just real science that leads to real
We diagnose the cause of your weight problem and personalize a program that
is medically safe for long term results. We offer:
Revolutionary technology to measure your metabolic rate with Reevue™.
Personal support and counseling services.
Ideal food plan based on your own unique metabolism.
If you would like to learn more about why metabolism is
the key to permanent fat loss, Just complete and submit the
form to the right to schedule your free Metabolic Blueprint
Consultation AND receive the free Special Report “How
To Master Your Metabolism and Fire Up Your Body’s
Fat Burning Furnace.”
Hope you enjoy the special report
Give me a call at 305-859-2345 if you have any questions
or if you would like to set up a consultation
Yes, I want to schedule my
free metabolic consultation
send me the free Special
“How to Master Your
YES! Give me instant access to the $19 Value Master Your Metabolism Special Report only.
We respect your privacy and hate spam
as much as you
do. Your information will never be
traded or sold and you can
with just one click at any time.
David Dubail, Owner
Exercise Physiologist
IDEA Master Trainer
Dubail Fitness Institute
Just complete and submit the form to the right
to schedule your free Metabolic Consultation
AND receive the free Special Report “How To
Master Your Metabolism and Fire Up Your
Body’s Fat Burning Furnace.”
Or, if you prefer to receive only the Special
Report at this time, just complete the simple form below.
PS: Here’s what you will learn form my special report:
I Just Want The FREE Report
“Master Your Metabolism
and Fire
Up Your Body’s
Fat Burning Furnace”
YES! Give me instant access to the $19 Value Master Your Metabolism Special Report only.
You will also be subscribed to
our jam-packed fitness
and nutrition
e-newsletter containing
tips and guidance for achieving your health and fitness
goals fast. We respect your privacy and hate spam
as much as you
do. Your information will never be
traded or sold and you can
with just one click at any time.
The three mistakes you are making right now that slow your metabolism down to a crawl, causing your body to store fat (in the worst possible places).
One quick and easy adjustment you can make
right now that will instantly speed up your metabolism and give you twice as much ‘staying power’ throughout the day.
Do this at 7:25 p.m. each night and watch your metabolic ‘burn-rate’ quickly heat up.
A crash course in understanding and controlling your metabolism.
The five foods that can shut down your metabolic furnace.
How to kick-in the afternoon after-burners - and put an end to the 3 p.m. energy crash.
The truth about how gender and age affect your metabolism.
For women: metabolism and hormones - what you must know that your doctor isn’t telling you.