We all know that exercise at Coral Gables gyms can help us improve our health and fitness, but did you know that it can help improve your mental health as well? Exercise not only boosts serotonin levels in our bodies, helping us feel better, but gives us a renewed sense of self confidence and a feeling of accomplishment. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how exercise at Coral Gables gyms can have a positive impact on your outlook on life.
The Dubail Fitness Institute and David Dubail will give you the body you have always wanted! Dubail Fitness Institute is a private personal training studio in Miami that will give you results through empowerment, education and motivation. So if you are ready to make a change and live a strong, healthy life Click Here and sign up for a FREE consultation with Dubail Fitness Institute.
The benefits of serotonin
Serotonin is a hormone, also called 5-hydroxytryptamine, which can be found in the brain, the digestive tract, blood platelets and the pineal gland. It serves two purposes – it acts as a chemical messenger that sends messages between nerve cells and causes the narrowing of blood vessels. Researchers have discovered that serotonin also performs another important function. The level of serotonin in the body can regulate mood, and low levels can promote feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, insomnia and mild to severe depression. Anti-depression drugs work to mimic serotonin, but those that are looking for a more natural treatment need only improve their diets and fitness levels.
While some researchers believe that serotonin can be found in salmon or fish oil supplements, the best way to raise serotonin levels is to start an exercise program at Coral Gables gyms. It can be difficult in the beginning, especially if you’re suffering from depression, but exercise can only help serotonin levels increase if it’s done over a long period, so stick it out and you’ll be feeling better in no time.
Builds self confidence
One of the hardest things about being overweight isn’t just the fact that you’re putting your body at risk for a whole range of health problems, but the low confidence that often accompanies it. Despite the fact that obesity is a growing problem in the United States, Americans still tend to discriminate against people that are overweight, and this can have a negative impact on self confidence and self esteem.
It’s hard on teenagers, who are under tremendous peer pressure, young adults, who may have less confidence to get out and meet people, and older adults may feel the pressure as well, at work or even in the process of trying to find a job. Exercise at Coral Gables gyms can do wonders to improving your self confidence. The better you feel, the better you’ll be able to concentrate, get out and meet people, even wear the clothes sizes you’ve been dreaming about.
A sense of accomplishment
There’s no doubt about it; many people that are overweight feel like they just don’t have the courage to make a dramatic lifestyle change, and this could be keeping them back from accomplishing other goals as well. Starting on the path of improving your health and fitness through exercise is the hardest part about losing weight, but if you make reasonable goals, have a personal trainer at Coral Gables gyms to encourage you and help you along the way, and enlist the help of friends and family, you’ll meet your goal in no time.
Imagine the feeling of knowing that you’ve accomplished what you’ve set out to do! Remember, if you can reach this goal, you can reach any goal that you set your mind on! If you interested in seeing how a personal trainer at Coral Gables gyms can help you reach your fitness goals, feel free to contact us!